Friday, August 30, 2013

35 years after the 1978 World Chess Champioship @ Baguio City Convention Center

How time passed indeed.35 years after the 1978 World Chess Championship between Karpov and Korchnoi,so many things have changed in the venue (Baguio Convention Center) where the 1978 World Chess Championship was held. On September 1,2013 Baguio City will celebrate its 104th founding year @ Baguio Convention Center. Supreme Court Justice Marvic Leonen will be the guest of Honor and Speaker.


Richelda Estrada Valdez said...

Just updating my blog about Chess Tournaments, about World Congress of JCI in Hongkong in 1993

Richelda Estrada Valdez said...

About me as the President of Agoo Nalibnos Jaycees, about my hometown of Agoo, La Union, Philippines